The Unique Identification Authority of India has announced that all the residents of the country are to be given a Unique Identification number and the main goal behind it was to improve the national security.
It has been reported that getting full coverage was not an easy task and it is evident that completing the whole process would take a few years at the least. The necessity of the number was said to be for identification purpose and for necessary tracking only.
It was made clear through reports that the UID number did not offer any privilege to any person and there would come a time when it would be absolutely necessary to have this unique number.
It has also been reported that they were to begin issuing the Unique Identification numbers within 18 months and the long term plan is to issue the number to more than 600 million people within the next five and half years. It has been announced that after a certain period of time, the hotels would require this number to book a room and if the identity seemed suspicious, it would result in tracing and in either way it would be useful for maintaining the security.